Improving The World of Advertising
By Educating & Serving Advertisers 
to Deliver Profitable Results That Delight Both Humans & Machines.

For Entrepreneurs Wanting Time & Cash Freedom Without Sacrificing Their Sanity

TIME is the only scare resource that matters. Let's buy it back together.

Product. Audience. Offer. Funnel.

My $100M Facebook ads secret: 4 ingredients. Let me show you how...

Your business exists to create the life you want.

Hi there, Depesh Mandalia here.

I used to be a slave to the 9-5. Then a slave to my own business as an offer owner and entrepreneur. Not anymore

I decided to put my health, wealth and happiness first.

In 2011-12 I made over $1million in sales as an affiliate marketer. My commissions were mind blowing & eye opening.

I lost it pretty quick too until I found Facebook ads - growing an Ecom client from $800k to $26.5M in 18 months. Then another client from $2M per year to $7M in 5 months. And an info product client doing $500k+ in launch sales. It was a repeatable process to scale with Facebook ads.

Then I thought... what if I could do this for my OWN offers!

In 2018 my Facebook ads course did $100k in 6 weeks.

Then my free lead magnet generated over $100k in new agency revenue.

Then my ebook did $100k in 8 days.

In 2021 my high-ticket coaching did $100k in phone sales from a 90-minute webinar.

I created cashflow systems. But something more important happened too.


Money enabled me to work 3 days a week, to travel, buy my dream car, move to a dream house near the mountains. Travel to the most amazing places from Fiji to Alaska and get to see my kids in the morning before school and collect them in the afternoon and dedicated 100% of my weekends to them. I learned that time moves so fast, that we'll never get back those precious moments with our family, friends and to experience life while we are still young and youthful.

My business is now my slave

I launch offers at will. I create $100k funnels when I need to. Or $50k recurring revenue systems because it makes sense for our value ladder. Life became easier after a decade of trying lots of different things that didn't work. 

I've invested hundreds of thousands in learning from Frank Kern, Taylor Welch, Sam Ovens and Russell Brunson in particular to build two models that have changed my life, and changed the life of over 5,000 students and clients worldwide that have also implemented it.

Model 1 is The Brand-driven Performance Marketing Method, or The BPM Method for short. It's a simple yet powerful take on how to create ads fast, that avoid the mess of hacking with Facebook ads and tame the algorithm to our favour.

Model 2 is The Ascension Path Model Framework, or The APM Framework for short. It's our way of using Facebook (or any traffic system) as a way of building trust and credibility fast, while liquidating ad spend (so every dollar you spend is returned) while making your mid or high ticket offer THE only logical choice for your prospects (where you bake in your profits).

I've created multiple 7-figure businesses for myself, from zero and no funding.

I've helped businesses grow into 8-figure category kings.

I've sat on both sides of the investment table - helping businesses gain investment - and helping businesses to SELL for 7 & 8-figures.

If YOU are now ready to claim the TIME and CASHFLOW that others seem to obtain with ease, then my Inner Circle coaching or consulting programs could be the missing link to your Health, Wealth and Happiness goals.

Who Is This For?

To qualify you need to answer yes to these:
  • Do you have an existing business or offer?
  • Have you generated at least $10k of sales already?
  • Are you in a position to invest in growth right now?
The types of clients I work with have a product or service, but haven't created the stability and predictability that allows them to TRULY enjoy their business. To enslave their business to their needs.

My coaching program is suited to those at the $10k to $50k range.

My 121 partner program is suited to those at the $50k-$1M/m range.

In fact some people making $500k per month are making less profit than those making $50k per month - simply because they didn't build the right frameworks earlier on.

I work with most types of product and services businesses in Physical and Digital Ecommerce, Ad Agencies, Freelancers, Lead Generation, Info Products, Affiliate Marketing... that have proven that their product/service has a potential demand.

But they don't have the path (yet) to figure out how to break through the growth ceiling AND start enjoying the benefits of what they do.

For example take Client A - she had an ads agency generating around $50k/m revenue and wanted to grow to $500k in 24 months.

I honed in on creating short-term, quick fixes with her to free up more of her time away from the agency (processes + delegation); whilst we planned the long-term, revenue increasing actions she needed to take (new offers, expanding her services and products).

With the ultimate goal of spending 10 hours a WEEK supporting her $500k/m agency whilst investing in real-estate and other future wealth opportunities to ensure her family never had to worry about money again.

Or Client B - she had an Ecommerce business that was doing ok for very many years. She hired my agency to help with Facebook ads... but soon realised she needed more...

In fact the business was on the verge of big losses and closing down in 2020 thanks to Covid.

But with my consulting guidance, we went all-in on building purpose and community that would create raving fans to lift her brand through.

By the end of 2021 they finally broke through the $10M revenue figure taking millions in profit.

Or Client C who was running a small agency in South America and wanted my help to get him better results for his clients...

But we soon realised there was so much more he could offer, to grow his own business beyond the limitations his mind created (e.g someone from South America cannot create a 7-figure business - FALSE!).

Fast forward to today, not only did he create huge success for clients, but also launched his own training business into 7-figures, helping others like him, in a poor part of South America, to seek out the abundance of money and create positive change in their lives.

Or Client D who came to me for help to take his $30-40k per month ad agency to $100k or more in 12 months but instead...

He's now signing papers on a 7-figure EXIT.

Or Client E who chased me down at an event to work with me to help with client ad results - and is now tracking to hit her first 7-figure year

She went from shy freelancer to confident and growth orientated agency owner, talking on stages and growing her name in her industry with huge client wins (and contracts).

In each example, my work has changed their lives. I'm proud of that.

This is not just about helping your business to make more money. That's easy.

This is about working with YOU to map out and create wealth generation that will serve you for the rest of your life.

  • Focus your time on the right things
  • Manage cashflow and P&Ls more effectively
  • Delegate to and trust your team better
  • ​Build your team culture around your purpose
  • ​Leadership techniques fit for your business
  • ​Diversifying incomes and de-risking external threats
  • ​and more...

Hire Me Into Your Team

There are 2 ways we can work together

DMC (Depesh Mandalia Consulting) is my 121 consulting program where I become your growth partner and personally help you shift towards your Health, Wealth and Happiness (HWH) goals faster.

DGM - Digital Growth Mastermind is my coaching program where me and my team will help you implement The BPM Method and APM Frameworks so you too can work towards your HWH goals.

Which one's right depends on what you need right now.

With DMC, I personally work with you 121 to map out your growth plan and hold you accountable to deliver it with regalar calls and private 121 Slack access. I'm there all the way to solve all the challenges alongside you and leverage as much as we can to build your business and improve your life, fast.

With DGM, we work together in a Mastermind group where I offer the same blueprints and guidance as above, in a group setting (not 121). This needs you to put the work in, turn up to calls and make use of all our playbooks and SOPs.

I first offered these programs back in 2019 because clients wanted more than help with just their ads.

They wanted my personal help. Help with things like:

  • My hiring and growth path
  • ​Diversifying income streams
  • ​Delegating better
  • ​My network/contacts
  • My business and advertising playbooks
  • My failures and failsafes
  • ​Cashflow management and investment
  • ​Diversifying incomes and de-risking external threats
  • ​and more...

How It Works:

The DMC 121 Program
For those that want to hire in a PARTNER. 

Depesh will personally work with you to achieve your goals.

Format: 121 calls and 121 Slack access.

DURATION: 6 or 12 months

INCLUDED if you qualify:
  • 90-minute kick-off call - help us dig deeper into your current business and future vision
  • VIP Onboarding support - priority onboarding support to ensure the first 30 days is as smooth as possible
  • 60-minute monthly call - to check on the last 4 weeks and plan the next 4 weeks activity including finances (ie P&L), sales, marketing, operations and people updates
  • 30-minute mid-month check-in - accountability call to ensure you're on track and cover any important issues
  • Accountability Coach - an experienced accountability coach to check-in with you weekly on your set goals to ensure you're on track for success
  • Direct Slack access to Depesh - I'm available ANY TIME during business hours 
  • Slack access to other members - so you can mastermind with others
  • Private group - where Depesh shares insights, data, wins and learnings with his Inner Circle group
  • Training Access - Full access to our DIY trainings including AdSignals and ELITE (over $20k value) plus add your team to AdSignals and leverage our AI tools
  • List & Group Promotion - Let us promote you to our audience (if relevant)
  • Podcast Opportunity - Let us set up a business podcast interview with Depesh as your host
  • Templates & SOPs - We'll share any templates or guides you need for your business
  • ELITE & Inner Circle Access - Full access for you PLUS one other to our ELITE (agency & Ecom growth) and everything in the Inner Circle program
  • Meta Ads Rep - Connect your ad account(s) to our AGENCY Business Manager and gain our Rep's full support for any issues or opportunities in future.
  • DM Mastermind - Includes one FREE seat to any future in-person mastermind in the time we're working together anywhere in the world.
  • Guaranteed ROI - I will work with you until you've at least DOUBLED this investment back in the time we're working together.

The DGM Inner Circle Mastermind
For those not yet ready to work with Depesh directly that still want access to Depesh, his team and his funnels, offers, blueprints and more

Depesh will personally work with you to achieve your goals.

DURATION: 6 or 12 months

INCLUDED if you qualify:
  • Onboarding support - onboarding support to ensure the first 30 days is as smooth as possible
  • ​Weekly Group Q&A / Support calls with Depesh - to help answer your growth questions
  • Monthly round table call - opportunity to share with and learn from others in the Mastermind
  • Accountability Coach - an experienced accountability coach to check-in with you weekly on your set goals to ensure you're on track for success
  • Private group - where Depesh shares insights, data, wins and learnings with his Inner Circle group
  • Training Access - Full access to our DIY trainings including AdSignals and ELITE (over $20k value) plus add your team to AdSignals and leverage our AI tools
  • Templates & SOPs - We'll share any templates or guides you need for your business
  • ELITE Access - Full access for you PLUS one other to our ELITE (agency & Ecom growth) program
  • Meta Ads Rep - Connect your ad account(s) to our AGENCY Business Manager and gain our Rep's full support for any issues or opportunities in future.

Ready to Apply?

Please answer the questions below as best as you can. I'm a big believer in time being the most valuable asset we possess. This is the biggest gift I can help you with through the program, so take your time to complete this application form to have the best chance of having your application accepted. 

Once accepted we'll set up a call for any further questions you have, agree on the goals and get you started when the next available intake slot is available.



Any sales figures stated above are the site owners' personal sales figures. Our results are not typical, and neither are we implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). Every success requires investment, hard work and an understanding of business and marketing to succeed. We have the benefit of practicing direct response marketing and advertising since the early 2000's, and have an established following as a result. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. We're using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT join any of our programs.
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